ARES Industrial Track 2014 (ARES-IND 2014 )

    September 10, 2014
    08:00 - 17:00

    R : Registation for all events

    September 10, 2014
    09:00 - 10:30

    Keynote : Keynote II - Volkmar Lotz, SAP Research, Germany

    September 10, 2014
    10:30 - 11:00

    CB : Coffee Break

    September 10, 2014
    11:00 - 11:30

    ARES-IND I : ARES Industrial Track

  • ARES-IND Keynote Speech: Cloud Security Issues for SMEs
    Gerald Quirchmayr, University of Vienna and University of South Australia

    Abstract: Cloud computing is a very cost effective technology that already has a great impact on business applications, especially for small and medium size enterprises. While the technology itself comes at a very low cost for users and frees them from having to bother with the maintenance of infrastructures and software, the security aspects lead to considerable challenges. Given the requirements imposed by privacy and other legislation, many small and medium size enterprises consequently wonder whether cloud technology is really the best solution for them. This talk therefore aims at giving an overview of the most relevant technical, organizational and legal issues and points to some selected solutions for small and medium size enterprises.

    September 10, 2014
    11:30 - 12:30

    ARES-IND I : ARES Industrial Track

  • Fighting Botnets with Cyber-Security Analytics
    Beatriz Gallego-Nicasio Crespo, Alan Garwood

  • Network Security Analysis Using Behavior History Graph
    Mirko Sailio, Matti Mantere, Sami Noponen

    September 10, 2014
    12:30 - 14:00

    L : Lunch

    September 10, 2014
    14:00 - 15:30

    ARES-IND III : ARES Industrial Track

  • ARES-IND Tutorial: Open Source Information Analysis
    Gerhard Backfried, SAIL LABS Technology and Gerald Quirchmayr, University of Vienna

    Abstract: This tutorial will start with an overview of issues related to open source information analysis. It will then go deeper into the Sail Labs Media Mining System and the underlying technology. After discussing the architexture and functionality and giving some examples of current applications of the system, a case study on the use of the systems application in the context of the QuOIMA project will be presented.

    September 10, 2014
    15:30 - 16:00

    CB : Coffee Break

    September 10, 2014
    16:00 - 17:00

    Keynote : Keynote III - Allison Mankin, Director of Verisign Labs, Verisign, Inc., US


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