The following fees are valid for the ARES 2014 conference:
The registration system is available here.

Author registration (please register before June 10th, 2014) EUR 500
Early-Bird registration for non-authors (ends at July 31st, 2014) EUR 500
Regular registration EUR 550
Additional paper EUR 250 (per paper)
Additional social event ticket EUR 100
Student registration EUR 150

Please note:

At least one author (of an accepted paper) has to pay the author registration (please register before June 10th, 2014):

The registration fee includes one paper, each additional paper is EUR 250.
The registration fee includes the entrance to all ARES and CD-ARES conference and workshop sessions, the social events as well as tutorials.
The registration fee includes the lunch during the conference (Mo – Fr).
The registration fee does not include the accommodation. Accommodation recommendations will be provided.

Students have to show a valid student ID at the conference site:

The student registration does not include a paper. At least one author of an accepted paper has to register as author, whether the author is a student or not.
The student registration fee includes the entrance to all ARES and CD-ARES conference and workshop sessions as well as tutorials (but not the social events).
The registration fee includes the lunch during the conference (Mo – Fr).
The registration fee does not include the accommodation. Accommodation recommendations will be provided.