The 3rd International Workshop on Recent Advances in Security Information and Event Management

to be held in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
(ARES 2014 –



Announcement from the RaSIEM 2014 workshop chair

Unfortunately we did not get enough paper submissions for the RaSIEM workshop this year. So the workshop will be cancelled. Some papers related to SIEM, however, are presented in the ARES main conference as well as in other workshops. For example, “No Smurfs: Revealing Fraud Chains in Mobile Money Transfers” in the ARES I best paper session, and “Fighting Botnets with Cyber-Security Analytics” in the ARES-IND II session.

Looking forward to meet you at ARES to discuss RaSIEM topics
Roland Rieke


Management of events and incidents is one of the cornerstones for any service.

The SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) approach enables near-real time event management as well as proactive management of security incidents and events for IT infrastructures. This workshop addresses research topics in SIEM and related methods and technologies.

The first two RaSIEM workshops in 2012 and 2013 have been successfully organized by the project MASSIF (
This year’s workshop will be supported by the project ACCEPT ( which considers in particular the special threats for SIEM in virtualized computer systems.

Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:
Recognition, analysis and treatment of safety-relevant anomalies in virtualized computer systems
Adequate sensors in the hypervisor, VMs and in run-time environments for applications
Case study of SIEM in operational scenarios
Protection of critical infrastructures against (targeted) cyber attacks
Recognizing real threats in the multitude of daily alerts
Predictive security analysis
Ensuring data source reliability
Managing data from heterogeneous devices and networks
Correlation of highly heterogeneous data to identify threats
SIEM for distributed computing
Fault tolerance and resilience for SIEM architectures
Real-time security analysis for SIEM
SIEM for process monitoring  and control
Decision systems in SIEM
Event translation and complex event processing for SIEM
Big data approaches of mapping and reducing problem sets with regard to security information to help create meaning and structure from myriad data sources
Visualization of security events
Important Dates
Submission Deadline March 21st, 2014
Author Notification May 26th, 2014
Author Registration June 10th, 2014
Proceedings Version June 20th, 2014
Conference September 8th – 12th, 2014
Workshop Chairs

Roland Rieke (Chair)
Fraunhofer SIT & Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Bernhard Seeger (Co-Chair)
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Bernd Freisleben (Co-Chair)
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Romain Giot (Co-Chair)
IUT Bordeaux, France

Program Committee

Rafael Accorsi, Uni Freiburg ­ – Germany
Andrey Chechulin, SPIIRAS ­ – Russia
Luidgi Coppolino, Epsilon ­ – Italy
Rodrigo Diaz Rodriguez, Atos ­ – Spain
Nadine Herold, TU München, – Germany
Bastian Hoßbach, Uni Marburg – Germany
Andrew Hutchison, T-systems ­ – South Africa
Igor Kotenko, SPIIRAS ­ – Russia
Elsa Prieto Perez, Atos – Spain
Luigi Romano, University of Naples – Italy
Maria Zhdanova, Fraunhofer SIT – Germany


The submission guidelines valid for the RaSIEM workshop are the same as for the ARES conference. They can be found >>here<<.


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